Written by, directed by and starring Tom Hanks, Larry Crowne is a film that shows if you’re a major Hollywood Movie Star you can do whatever you want, even create a film for the sole purpose of kissing Julia Roberts.
We open with our hero, Larry, being called into an office at the supermarket where he works and being fired by a bunch of idiots laughing at him for not going to university. To add to the brutality, he has at some point in the painfully recent past just been through a divorce and is already struggling to pay off a mortgage.
But all is not lost.
He decides to go to college and make the best of a bad time, where, of cause, he is taught by Julia Roberts.
It’s not one of Tom’s finer moments. For a romantic comedy, it falls a little short on just two aspects: the romance and the comedy.
It’s a harmless enough film, but the story drags at times and really the only thing it has going for it is Tom Hanks.
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